Before starting the update process, please ensure the following:
This method is recommended for licenced FX devices that regularlly connect to iGRID.
Step 1: Connect to iGRID
Ensure your FX is connected to iGRID. Upon connection, the FX will automatically check for the latest firmware versions.
Step 2: Automatic Download
If new firmware version is available, the FX will download the update in the background. The status widget on the FX interface will indicate Update Available.
Step 3: Initiate Update
For users who prefer, or need to manually update their FX, please follow the following steps:
Step 1: Download the new software update file
Step 2: Access FX Settings
Step 3: Upload and Install
Step 4: Confirmation
If an update fails due to a transmission corruption the FX will automatically revert to the previous firmware version.
Please repeat the manual update process.
If, after an update, the FX does not resume normal operation, a power cycle of the device (hard reboot) is recommended to see if it restores functionality.
Should these steps not resolve the issue, please contact support for further assistance.
The success of the PilotAware infrastructure is due to its continuous innovation and ability to easily download software to provide updates and new electronic conspicuity and situational services to its supporters.
Regular firmware updates are crucial for the optimal performance of your PilotAware FX. Whether you choose the seamless OTA update over iGRID or the manual file upload method, following these instructions will ensure a smooth update process.