Home Page

Rosetta & Classic Instructions




Here is an example of PilotAware a home page.

PilotAware Rosetta : Version(20220531) License Expires(20240323)

_ Interface Status
PLATFORM Model B Pi 3, 9 (stretch)/4.14.79-v7+
DATE Wed Jun 1 10:58:47 2022
IP eth0= wlan0= wlan1= iGRID=
UPTIME 10:58:47 up 0 days 02:46, Load 0.68:0.61:0.51
STATUS Volt=OK Freq=OK Thro=OK Temp=63.4/63.4 EM=0 SG=1
1090 Connected RX=61148(+50)
P3I Connected UP=0.35% DN=3.93% Mode=Airborne
Traffic=38110 METAR=1381 Status=270 ATOM=16384 SkyGRID=0 iGRID=38718
Barometer Connected (Auto) QNH=1024mb QNE=-55ft GNSS=249ft
GPS RX=83857(+8) Fix="GPS fix" Mode="3D" Sat=7(use)/11(view)

Here is an example of PilotAware a home page.

The PilotAware Software Version;

The first information item on the 'Home' page is the software version that the PilotAware unit is running. The naming convention for the software version comes from the date of release.

Example: 20220531 = software released on May 31st 2022.

For more information on updating the software on PilotAware systems, visit the 'Updating Software' section of the knowledgebase.

License Expires;

The 'License Expiry' field indicates whether the PilotAware is licensed or unlicensed.

If the Rosetta unit is unlicensed, then the text 'Licence Expired' will appear in this field. If the PilotAware is unlicensed, a valid licence key will be inserted into Rosetta to activate the unit.

If the Rosetta unit is licensed, then the 'license expiry' field will provide you with an expiry date. It uses the naming convention YYYYMMDD. Once the expiry date has passed, a new license key will need to be purchased for continued operation.

For help with licensing, please follow the appropriate link.

Registering PilotAware

License Renewal

Licence Key Troubleshooting

Interface and Status;

The interface and status page gives the operator a view of Rosetta's current status. This page is purely for use by our customers who require technical information. It can also help us troubleshoot issues the PilotAware may be experiencing. 

HOST-ID: This shows the MAC Address of the Rosetta unit. The MAC Address is unique to the PilotAware and is also used to create the unit-specific license keys. 

PLATFORM:  The software recognises the micro-computer used within PilotAware. The kernel currently being used by PilotAware is also displayed.

DATE: This shows the current date and time using the following convention. (Day) (Month) (Date) (HH.MM.SS) (Year)

ETH0-IP: This is the wired IP address of Rosetta if a wired Ethernet link is active.

WLAN0-IP: This is PilotAware's Wireless IP address. 

WLAN1-IP: This shows the DHCP IP address given to PilotAware by the cellular hotspot for iGRID applications.

iGRID-IP: iGRID is a software-defined network. This IP address is unique to each PilotAware device. It creates a low-latency, encrypted link between PilotAware and the GRID servers.

UPTIME: This shows the amount of time the unit has been running since reboot or last power-up.


Voltage: shows the fidelity of the voltage applied at the input of the Rosetta. Options are;

                   OK                All working correctly.

                Warning       There has been a momentary historic low voltage, now OK

                Error            There is a constant low voltage.

Frequency: shows the status of the computer clock frequency. Options are;

                    OK                All working correctly

                    Warning       The clock frequency has been reduced in the past but is now OK

                   Error             The clock frequency is currently reduced to limit computer load and heating.

Throttle: shows the processor compensation for a voltage or temperature problem.

                   OK                  All working correctly.

                   Warning        The processor has been throttled in the past due to high temperature or low voltage.

                   Capped           The processor is currently throttling due to a temperature or voltage problem.

Temperature: shows the current core temperature. Max permissible temperature is 85 degrees C before throttling.

1090: This displays the quantity of 1090MHz packets received by Rosetta since the initial startup. (Number of packets received since the last refresh, usually 2 seconds). The indicator may go orange if no signals are received in the last 5 seconds. This is not a fault.

P3I:            The percentage of PilotAware transmissions (Tx and Rx). 

Traffic:   Aircraft traffic messages that are received directly by the PilotAware.

METAR:    Local METAR updates received.

STATUS:  Health Status reports transmitted to ATOM stations.

ATOM:      Number of traffic positions received from the ATOM array.

SkyGRID: Number of packets received from a SkyGRID broadcast.

iGRID:    Traffic packets received through the iGRID link.

BAROMETER: This gives the various outputs from Rosetta's onboard barometer.

Status Auto or Manual, QNH=local pressure, QNE=Altitude(1013.2mB), GNSS= GPS height.

GPS: GPS information packets received, type of fix, Satellites detected and used.

Standard operation requires +4 satellites for a 3D position fix. Packets received (per/sec), GPS Mode(2D/3D/none) Satellites detected and used. Minimum 3 satellites required.

Status Colours;

The 'Home' page includes a colour coding system to display the status of the PilotAware unit. It can also help with diagnosing system faults.


🟩 Indicates that the PilotAware is processing 1090MHz transponder message.

🟨 Indicates that >5 seconds have passed without receiving any 1090 packets. Usually, this is a temporary state until the following transponder message is received. 

🟥 Indicates that no packets have yet been received. This may be because the 1090MHz dongle is faulty or missing. The total message count should also go up in increments as new transponder messages are received. Note that there are two message counts. (i) since switch on (ii) (received in the last 2 seconds).


🟩 Indicates the bridge is transmitting and receiving messages.

🟥 Indicates that the PilotAware P3i radio is down. This can either be due to an expired licence, no GPS lock or a failure on the RF module (very rare).


🟩 Indicates that the barometer is providing Rosetta with correct pressure data.

🟥 Indicates that the barometer is inoperable, usually due to a lack of GPS data. However, in very rare cases, the barometer chip needs replaced.


🟩 Indicates that the GPS uses a minimum of 4 satellites and a 3D lock has been established

🟨 Indicates that a GPS module has been detected but a location fix cannot be established. Make sure the PilotAware has an unobstructed view of the sky in order to get a location lock. The lock will take several minutes if the PilotAware unit has not been used for a long time and needs to recapture the ephemeris and almanac data or has been moved over a great distance since last used.

🟥 Indicates that the GPS is unavailable. Usually means it is disconnected or faulty. Do not expect the GPS to work indoors. Also, check that the GPS has a suitable mechanical and electrical connection by removing and inserting the GPS module into one of the PilotAware USB sockets. Without a GPS signal, P3i and Barometer may also be red. PilotAware will disable these functions in the absence of GPS.



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